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KookCast: Surf Education

Dec 20, 2022

This week on KookCast, Coach Chris and Coach Ev are diving a little deeper into a concept that came up in the last episode in regards to having good style. 

Head to for a look at our latest project !

Dec 7, 2022

Style is a common topic in surf conversation. We all want to have good style. This week on KookCast, Coach Chris and Coach Ev are talking about some of the lesser considered ways of exhibiting good style. 

Nov 30, 2022

This week on KookCast, Coach Chris and Coach Ev are briefly recapping a member's question they answered in detail on the membership site. The full and in-depth video can be found here on the membership site.


Nov 11, 2022

Controlling your wipeout? Isn't that an oxymoron? How can you control a wipeout, if wiping out is losing control? In this episode we're discussing a recent member video we created on this very topic, where Coach Ev grabs his board in the middle of a wipeout and salvages what's left. Check it out...

Oct 25, 2022

This week on KookCast, Coach Chris and Coach Ev are discussing their take on what makes a good beginner board. No, they aren't giving specific dimensions or favorite brands. Rather, they're drawing on their years of experience teaching to give you some food for thought on picking the right beginner board. 


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