Dec 12, 2023
This week on KookCast, we're happy to have Matt Warshaw back on the show. The premier historian and archivist of surfing, the value of this man's work isn't lost on us, and it shouldn't be lost on you either!
Subscribe to the Encyclopedia of Surfing and consider making a donation to make help make sure Matt continues...
Nov 28, 2023
It's in the title! Take care of that thing and don't be a wetsuit kook!
Booking spots on our La MisiĆ³n surf trip 2024. E-mail us: to learn more.
Nov 13, 2023
Coach Chris sits down with Matt George to discuss his book In Deep, a highly recommended read, which is a compilation of his life's work as a surf writer and journalist. The book covers some serious ground in the surf world, but it's only on KookCast you'll get to hear some of the insights you won't find...
Oct 28, 2023
This week on KookCast, Coach Chris and Coach Ev are discussing a surfer characteristic you should develop, but exercise wisdom with how you wield it.
Sep 24, 2023
Do you feel like "it all happens so fast" ? When taking off, or while surfing and suddenly realizing there's a person in your way ? In this episode, Coach Chris and Coach Evan are speaking on a few ways to create time and feel more at ease with the things you need to do in the line-up.